
Here at Purple Cow Junk Removal and Home Services we find great importance in giving back from our Ames Junk Removal. We realize that not everyone is born into the same opportunities or life experiences. So we are dedicated to giving to a mission that helps people lift themselves out of poverty. That is why we give a percentage of every Ames Junk Removal job to an organization that makes a difference in the lives of people every single day. Everyone deserves a chance to receive education and training on how to live productively. 

We partner with Safari Mission to raise up leaders in East Africa by giving to their organization for every Ames Junk Removal job we complete. Their vision is to build up members of the community who want to learn and become leaders in their communities. They do this by providing the education and tools these people need to get themselves out of poverty and help build the rest of the community. They don’t just give the people money or build them new buildings. That kind of giving can actually be a hindrance in the long term. People can become dependent and helpless when they expect to be given the things they need to live, instead of earning them for themselves. The founder of Safari Mission compares giving people all the things they need instead of them earning it themselves, to putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. The band aid might cover the wound for a little while, but eventually it will bleed through and the wound will still be there. Teaching people how to do these things themselves is how you heal the wound. Giving them the tools they need to do it themselves also empowers the people by showing them they don’t have to depend on others, they are just as capable of achieving success as anyone else. An example of how they do this is teaching and empowering parents to become producers and this in turn makes it possible for them to take better care of themselves and their children. Because the parents can take care of the children, they can send them to school and provide better clothing and in turn less orphanages are necessary. School fees usually keep parents in East Africa from sending their kids to school. Then education can be passed onto the children as well. Something that we think is really cool about Safari Mission is that it is run almost entirely by the local Kenyans who have gone through training with Safari Mission. This allows local community members to make a difference in the lives of the other people in their community. Most organizations go into another country and almost all of their staff are people from America. Safari Mission also keeps their financials online for all to see and look through. They do this so that you always know where all the money is actually going. This organization is very trustworthy and transparent with all aspects of money and how it is run. 

Safari Mission is also Gospel based. They know the importance of not only helping people meet their financial and physical needs, but also their spiritual needs. They teach all their students about the bible and God’s desire for them to thrive, grow, and live a productive, healthy life. The only one who can change people’s hearts is God. When people learn about God it changes them and they can make changes to their lives and the way they live. Safari Mission has done a lot to help local people start churches in their communities and strengthen and grow the churches that were there to begin with.

Safari Mission was founded by Vidar and Cathrine Ligard. They live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They started Safari Mission in 2006 and have been seeing incredible results for the past 15 years. In 1999, Vidar started going on trips to remote areas of Kenya to put on leadership seminars. In 2004 he realized that it would be beneficial to the people if there was a school instead of just a seminar. In 2006 the Bible school campus was opened in Mwingi with Vidar as a solo instructor. In 2007 they opened more locations in Mombasa, Kisumu, and Keroka. In 2008 they held their very first graduation of year one students. In 2009 they opened the Malindi and Kitui campuses. They bought land in Mombasa in 2009 to have an office. So they started building that. In 2011 they opened the campus in Garsen, which borders Somalia. In 2012 they decided to create a second year studies program for students who wanted to continue to learn. They also opened the Zombe campus. In 2013 Safari Mission had their first graduation for second year students. By 2014 a lot of progress was made on their office building. In 2016 even more campuses were opened. One is in Loitokitok and another with the Military Police. They also started getting to use part of the Safari Mission building. In 2017 they held their first East African Faith Conference. Also the Nairobi campus was up and rolling. 

So everytime you use Purple Cow junk Removal and Home services for Ames Junk Removal, a percentage of what you pay us goes to Safari Mission to help build up leaders in East Africa. You are helping change the world a little bit each time you use us for Ames Junk Removal. Thank you so much for choosing Purple Cow Junk Removal. You can make a difference even in the small things. That is why we find this aspect of our company so important. What does it matter if it isn’t making a difference? Maybe you have those same thoughts or feel like you can’t do that much to change the world. Well this is a small opportunity in front of you. When you need Ames Junk Removal services, choose Purple Cow Junk Removal and Home Services to get the job done and help those in need.