Aside from the amazing Ames Junk Removal Services we are able to provide you, we are also going to guarantee that we can help you with any of your home improvement service needs. so if you have a need for assistance and completing possibly small home renovation needs such as patching a drywall or completing a drywall setup then we can definitely help you out. some of the other things that we could assist you with start at specific carpentry services, Landscaping services, Pond installation or Rock removals, and so much more. We just want you to be assured that after we have removed the junk from your property we can get it looking brand new and even better than it was before with our Landscaping professionals.
You may be wondering exactly how we have been able to train each and every one of our Professionals in all these areas of expertise but we can assure you that each one comes with their special qualities and then we take over and provide the necessary training. This means that throughout any and every employee we are going to be able to provide you the best services for Ames Junk Removal along with all of our other Home Improvement services. We don’t want you to miss out on the capability of having a property that you can be proud of and show your family too.
This is why the owner decided that aside from the amazing Ames Junk Removal Services we provide we were going to go ahead and provide the services on top for home improvement. so if we are at your property and we have gone ahead and removed a junk from your garage that has been in there for over 10 years then you take a look at your floors and see exactly what you don’t like about the area, we can provide you a quote same day for an epoxy floor coating.
No matter what services you wish to have completed by our company we are going to make sure that you get the most affordable plan possible. However, we really do appreciate it if you let us know the same day while we are already out there completing other services if you wish to have another service. if you do in fact do this we’re going to provide you a discounted rate for that same day request. We also bring all of our equipment to make sure that if you wish to start a project and agree to the quote that we are able to start as soon as possible.
We love going into more detail regarding the services that we provide on our website at under the services tab. From here you’ll be able to see the exact specifics of the services we offer which are well over 20 different things. Some of those things have to do with Home Improvement and the carpentry area, lawn care, and just so much more. we’re more than willing to help you and that’s why we want you to give us a call today at 515-686-4870.
Ames Junk Removal | One of A Kind
It isn’t often that you find a company offering some of the best Ames Junk Removal Services is also going to be able to provide you with so many other opportunities on top of this. We know that the goals for your property don’t just end up removing the junk you have currently on it, we know that it goes well past that into certain Home Improvement categories. This is exactly why our company expanded from Just Junk Removal to also include certain Home Improvement areas as well. We’d like to also mention that we don’t just mean certain things, our home improvement services are definitely of a wide variety. All of our employees are professionally trained and very knowledgeable in these services that we offer. We also have all the proper equipment and necessary skills to be able to complete your project in a timely manner while also providing you with the top results that you wish for.
Do you have an older property that definitely needs to have an Ames Junk Removal service completed? Then, do you also wish to place a pond on the property and a rock formation for your Landscaping preferences? If you answered yes to either of these questions or both then we are definitely going to be able to help you out here. We actually have professionals that are more than knowledgeable and trained in landscaping professions such as rock placement and even rock removal. you also heard that correctly we are going to be able to help you install a pond as well.
We truly are a jack of all trades over here at Purple Cow Ames Junk Removal and we are extremely proud of that. Our owner takes pride in being a one of a kind business and is exactly how he came up with the name for our junk removal services. He came up with his name because he knows a purple cow is truly one of a kind and very unique, therefore catching the attention of anyone who is interested in our services. Just as if you had seen a purple cow in real life, you are going to take a second to stop and read about the capabilities we have within our company.
Starting as an automobile equipment business, our company owner decided that junk removal was definitely in need within the state of Iowa and found that many people appreciated his services. All together he decided that this was going to be a better route and began using the equipment he previously had in order to pursue this area.
If you want to learn more about how the owner of Purple Cow got started and exactly why he chose to pursue this area of business then you can read about him on our website at If you have learned enough about our company and our services we provide you are more than welcome to give us a call to schedule a quote today at 515-686-4870.